Posted by Nick Aroutzidis on Jul 21, 2019
July 25, 2019: Mark Lavalee, “Alcohol and Gaming Commission update on rules”, Rob Ritz will introduce, and John Kechnie will thank our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Brent Shackleton, invites Rob Ritz, Mike Nelson, Kevin Nonomura, Berny Nymeyer and Rick Orr, to join him at the head table.

Today at Rotary:  his vision for Stratford’s `Other Festival’ in an enjoyable and informative presentation.
Program speaker Mark Fewer, this year’s director of Stratford Summer Music flanked by introducer John Wright and president Brent.
Upon starting his tenure Mark realized that there was no reason to make wholesale changes to a festival that already incorporated many of the values in which he believes:
World Class Performers;
A wide variety of artists and musical venues;
40% free programming;
Free performances on the Barge.
Mark is committed to maintaining these standards that define SSM.
Mark Fewer discussing
Teaching and education are important to Mark. He has been an Artist-in-Residence at Stanford University, an Assistant Professor at McGill’s Schulich School of Music, and is currently teaching at the University of Toronto. Mark intends to increase educational outreach as part of his mandate and his service to the community.   There will be school outreach programs, adult learning opportunities, resident artists and training academies as well as children’s programming. He has already introduced an Artistic Director’s award for Excellence in Music Education in the schools.  This year’s award went to Mark McIntosh of Avon Public School.
There are many new, exciting initiatives on the horizon for the Festival:
         SSM Originals – music you will hear nowhere else;
         Resident Artists – in various roles, living and sharing in the community;
         Music & Health – a new series exploring the value of music;
         Focus on Youth – more & more young performers;
         New connections – Stratford based artists working with guest artists.
The Season is underway and there are now superb musicians in Stratford performing an almost unbelievable array of music – Jazz, Piano, Chamber, Indie folk, Celtic, - just to list a few.  It’s not all music either there are lectures, pop-ups in the town, 3-silent films and a Cannabis Cantata to inform, amuse and enchant.
Scribe: John D. Wright
Continued programming that works
New initiatives for 2019 year
Guests:  Today we welcomed Lucas Carvalho - New generation exchange.
Foundation Draw:  The prize was donated by Mimi Price and won by Pat Shewin.
Thursday July 25, 2019 – Strategic Planning Committee 1:30
Thursday August 1, 2019 – 100th Anniversary Committee 1:30
Dues: For those who have not paid their membership, you can pay by cheque, cash or e-transfer.  You will no longer be receiving the Club Card. If you require one, please contact Charlene Gordon.
Highlights from the Board Meeting:
  1. Food Service – Angus MacDermid has resigned from being the Food Service contact.  Sue Wakelin has taken this role on.
  2. The monthly Attendance Committee will now be responsible for the audio video set up at each meeting.
  3. Publicity and Technology Committee are needing someone to chair this committee. 
Make-ups: No report. 
July’s Attendance Committee: Rheo Thompson (I/C), Steve Lichty, Bob Lightfoot, Bill Lemmon, Pat Redshaw, Jim Snider, Carolyn Drummond, R.J. Stevenson-Read.