Posted by Nick Aroutzidis on Jul 27, 2019
August 1, 2019: Christie Bertrand, “Environmental Tips for the Club”, Rena Spevack-Orr will introduce, and Doug Thompson will thank our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Brent Shackleton, invites Rena Spevack-Orr, Andrea Page, Doug Page, Craig Pearce. Kel Pero and Mimi Price, to join him at the head table.

Today at Rotary, our speakers were Peter Hutson and Brian Nagano from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).  While the organization that they represent has a broad mandate of regulations for alcohol, gaming, horse racing, and canabis, their topic today was the regulations that apply to a Rotary club and the typical situations where our activities are affected by their regulations.
From Alcohol and Gaming Commission speakers Brian Nagano and Peter Hutson speaking on new rules for Special occasion Permits and Lotteries and clarifying other rules for our events.
Peter spoke first and covered their typical role as compliance officials. As an example. he used our dragon boat event with its beer tent. Examples of changes to regulations are: - a fence is no longer required; food is no longer required; beer service can begin at 9:00 am; advertising a ``happy Hour`` is permitted. In place of a fence, it is necessary to clearly mark the boundary of the area where beer sale and consumption is permitted.
Brian explained that as compliance officials, they see that minors are not served, that the assigned space is not over capacity, that it is not disorderly, and that serving does not start before 9:00 am and that the serving is closed at the end of the time.
Both agreed that servers qualified as smart serve are recommended although this is not an AGCO regulation but may be a municipal regulation.
There were questions about beer possibly being consumed outside the designated area. In this case, since the compliance officials are only responsible for the `beer tent` area the larger area is not their responsibility and so the police could be called to respond to a complaint. Alternatively, it may be possible to have the larger area under the responsibility of the AGCO compliance officers who would require the operators of the event to enforce compliance.
There were numerous questions from the floor including questions about serving at the scotch mist event and the sale of lottery tickets. The talk today did not necessarily answer every question but it did open the path so that event organizers in our club have a better way to learn and be sure about compliance.
Peter and Brian were introduced by Robert Ritz and thanked by Clark Mitchell.
Scribe: Norm Bird
COMMIT Golf Tournament  July 24  at West Haven -- 6865 balls hit 100 yds in 12 hours by COMMIT member and  Rotarian London Hyde Park Dave Knoppert
COMMIT Golf Marathon -David Knoppert after the event.
President Brent Shackleton and NGE candidate Lucas exchanging banners. Lucas works at Robert Ritz’s office and stays with Lana Burchett.
John Hood-Tidman announcing the sale of N.A. Engineering Associates Inc. to Westinghouse Electric Co. They recently celebrated their 25 anniversaries. Congratulations to John and Nick.
Guests:  Today we welcomed Amina Hagimusa from Toronto and our new generations exchange Lucas Carvalho.  Lucas exchanged Rotary banners with President Brent and he took the opportunity to thank our club. his host family Lena and Bob and his mentor Robert Ritz for hosting him in Stratford.
Draw: Linda Bathe was the recipient of today's draw which was a gift certificate donated by Ken Nesbitt.
Make-ups: No report. 
August’s Attendance Committee: Mike Gruszczynski (I/C), Jim Hayes, Steve Monteith, Josef Frank, David Braye, Paul Roulston, Bob Gulliford, Norm Bird, Bryan Lapier.