April 6, 2017:  Alan Wakelin “Classification”.  Harry Brightwell will introduce our speaker and Philip Schroeder will thank our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Kevin Silver, invites, Harry Brightwell, Marcia Matsui, Jerry McEwin, Lynn McKone, Bruce McLaren, Clark Mitchele and Steve Monteith, to join him at the head table.
Ian Fisher introducing our program speakers this week.
This Week:  We welcomed two members of our club, Rick Orr and Patricia Riehl to the podium to provide an update on residential and automobile insurance. Both have had extensive business experience in these topics and they did an excellent job of alerting us on things to check in our policies.
Patti Riehl talking about Auto Insurance.
Car owners depend on all cars on the road being adequately insured.  Hence a standard minimum Ontario insurance policy for cars. Patricia pointed out the changes to the Ontario standard automobile policy that are shown on your renewal information. Because the majority of cars on the road are insured to the levels in the standard policy, policy holders are able to increase coverage's such as for example non-catastrophic medical and rehab and they may want to increase liability coverage as well.  
Rick Orr talking about Home and Disaster Insurance
Rick spoke of the major disasters of recent years. the Quebec ice storm and the Fort MacMurray  fire are the two biggies at 2.2 billion and 4 billion others are the Calgary flood and the Slave Lake fire. The Calgary flood drew attention to the fact that in Canada no one was covering overland water flow. Now it is possible to insure for this. The risk is dependent on the location and the site.
Water line break and sewage backup are generally covered while ground water leakage through a wall is generally not covered.
Rick answered questions from the floor including some questions relating to Uber and Air BnB. On driverless cars, he commented that a car operated by a computer is following the law whereas drivers may not be. This will create a level of confusion when drivers mix with connected driverless cars.
Our speakers were introduced by Ian Fisher and thanked by Dan Scarborough.
Scribe : Norm Bird
Guests: Today we welcomed Montana Wilson and Kelly Williams.
Draw: The draw prize today was donated by Angus MacDermid and was won by Jim Scott.
A note of thanks and a donation to the Stratford Rotary Foundation was received from Tim Culliton in appreciation of his Paul Harris Award and the opportunity for him to tell the club about the Culliton Company.
Doug Thompson noted that Tim, our exchange student from Cape Dorset is participating well in his program here.
Make-ups: No report
April’s Attendance Committee:  Patty Riehl (I/C),  Geeza Wordofa, Sarah Hamza, Gary Morris, Pat Shewen, Ron Shaw, Roger Black, Mark Smith, Tony Carter