Posted by Nick Aroutzidis on Oct 14, 2018
October 18, 2018: Ryan Erb, Martin and Kathryn Ritsma, “United Way Update. Youth programs”, Ryan Erb will introduce our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Paul Roulston, invites, Ryan Erb, Bill Cozyn, Gerry Culliton, Keith Culliton, Colleen Devine, Carolyn Drummond and Ed Dujlovic, to join him at the head table.

Today at Rotary:   Today’s speaker was Andrew Williams, President and CEO of Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) and our newest recipient of a Paul Harris Award.  Congratulations Andrew!
The HPHA is comprised of four sites – Clinton Public Hospital; St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital; Seaforth Community Hospital and Stratford General Hospital.  The Hospitals are classified differently by the government; they have an operating budget of $140 million with 1200 staff, 160 physicians and over 500 volunteers.  Services are always evolving and all sites provide palliative care.
CEO of HPHA Andrew Williams was our program speaker.
Andrew began by noting that healthcare is very much a business, often an emotional business to be sure, but still, a business and it must be viewed through that lens.  -  The most important attribute of leadership is to understand the reality in which your business operates and make the best decisions in light of that reality.
One of HPHA’s realities is a constant demand for new, qualified people. We are always recruiting, said Andrew.  In fact, hiring is one of our top challenges and we invest significant resources in recruitment and retention.  Recruiting physicians is not an exact science, it is all about fit, slotting the right person in the right position.  Last year alone there were 448 job postings and the Huron Perth area was not unique among healthcare providers in having such personnel demands. 
Another reality facing HPHA is that consumption of healthcare goes up as we age and demographics show an ageing population.  Yet hospital spending as a percentage of total spending is going down and this is a trend that will continue. 
Where is healthcare going?   The short answer is that healthcare is continually changing.
There are technological advances in diverse areas such as working with stroke victims; orthopedics, and diagnostics.  Precision equipment requires regular upgrading in order to be current and this requires money. So, finding new investments and capital is critical.
Often there is less dependency on traditional institutions. Home dialysis, for instance, is becoming commonplace and in general, there is more self-directed care. Significant research advances in areas such as genetics are also changing the face of healthcare.
The HPHA tries to ensure that the unique needs of the patients and families are met, however they must also be accountable to support those waiting to get into the system. The following ideals help keep HPHA heading in that direction:
Values – Compassion, Accountability, Integrity
Mission – Collaborating for Exceptional Care
Vision – Innovating for Exceptional Health
In summary, while there are many `hot button` issues such as staffing and resources; Mental Health and Addictions; outcomes-based healthcare, capacity planning and population health - the patient is still the most important piece. The HPHA is constantly working to maximize the individual patient’s experience with healthcare.
Scribe: John Wright
 Congratulations to our Newest PAUL HARRIS FELLOW!!!!
Ryan Erb and President Paul Roulston presenting Paul Harris Fellow to Andrew Williams.
“The Dragon Boat Festival Committee is looking for the “Tent” signs that were the dragon boats that were in the races. It was reported by Great White North (the boat suppliers) that they were taken by a Rotarian for use next year. Could that Rotarian let us know where they are so we can store them in their proper location? Thanks Robert Ritz!”
This week’s Catch the Ace winner Raquel Ellah  winning $2024. The Ace lives with 5 cards remaining.
In attendance to hear the speaker HPHA staff and Board.
Guests:  Today we welcomed: Olga Palmer - HPHA - Bayfield, ON, Stephen Hearn - HPHA - St Marys , Sue Davey – HPHA, Ken Haworthy – HPHA, Anne Campbell – HPHA, Mary Cardinal – HPHA, Kim Jakes – HPHA, Jack Alblas – HPHA, Sandy Watson – Vancouver, John Wolfe – HPHA, David Braye - Stratford 
Draw: The gifts today were donated by Jo-Anne Hood Tidman (2 tickets to Music Man) and won by Elizabeth Gaffney.
Make-ups: No report
October’s Attendance Committee: Peter Roach (I/C), Peter Roach, George Schroeder, Doug Thompson, Angus MacDermid, Gary Wreford, Lynn McKone, Rob Ritz
November’s Attendance Committee: Jim Young (I/C), Marcia Matsui, Dave Skinner, Philip Schroeder, Gerry Thuss, Sue Wakelin, Clark Mitchell, Carolyn Blackburn.