
- You can select a specific cause such as Hospice, Aquabox, Commit, or Respite House.
- Let Rotarians, through the General Fund, select and apply your money to where it is most needed.
- You can send a cheque, eTransfer, or online by using your credit card.
Thank you for your generous support. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20.00 or greater.
For e-transfers, please send your donation to foundation@rotarystratford.com
· Your funds will be automatically deposited without the need for a security question.
· In order for us to issue a tax receipt, please include your mailing address.
· Also please indicate how you would like to direct your gift.
For donations made by cheque, please send it to:
The Rotary Club of Stratford Charitable Foundation
P.O. Box 23025
Stratford P.O. Main, On
N5A 7V8
· Please include your e-mail address (to reduce costs, tax receipts will not be mailed).
· Also please indicate how you would like to direct your gift.
To donate using a credit card, please click on the link to the Canada Helps link to your left.
· You will be redirected to our CanadaHelps page.
· Your tax receipt will be issued by CanadaHelps with our Foundation receiving 96.0% of your gift.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email at finance@rotarystratford.com