January 9, 2020: Sara Brown, " The Bail Program of the John Howard Society in Stratford", Elizabeth Gaffney will introduce and Linda Bathe will thank our speaker.
Head Table:  Our President Brent Shackleton, invites, Elizabeth Gaffney, Bryan Lapier, Bill Lemmon, Steve Lichty, Bob Lightfoot and Gary Lingard to join him at the head table.
Today at Rotary: There was no speaker this week, instead we were royally entertained by the St. Mike’s Jazz Band under the direction of Jeff McIntyre.   The band played a medley of Christmas favourites as well as some jazz classics. The students’ exceptional playing put us all in the holiday mood.
St Michael’s Jazz Band lead by Jeff McIntyre entertained us Royally with Christmas and other music.
President Brent as our Santa leader showing off his attire.
Rotary does not meet again until January 9, 2020.   
Best of the Season to everyone! 
Scribe: John D. Wright
Much appreciated Rotarian Angus MacDermid honoured with a Paul Harris Fellow at our meeting.
Rotary Board for the year 2019-2020
Guests: We welcomed today, Mary Black, Joan McDermid, Beverly Young, Laurie Mitchell, Nelda Oliver, Jim Henry, Jo Ann Hayter, Margaret Crawford, Nancy Hallowell Scott, Carolyn Lapier, Audry Little, Helen Mussell, Emma Carruthers, Karen Gruszczynski, Mary Lemmon, Vera Catania, Pat Lightfoot, Ying McCann, Bernie McCormick, Dorell Brightwell, Bob Burchett, Lucas Carvelho
Friends of Rotary and Widows of past Rotarians were invited as our guests.
Bill Lemmon in his usual colourful attire in Christmas spirit.
Rick Orr who with Jim Hayes  collected for our local Food Bank a hefty sum of $1300
L and M Catering thanked and gifted for their wonderful service and meals over the year.
Foundation Draw: No Draw.
Make-ups: Nothing to Report
Please, if you do a make-up, please send me an email at naroutzidis@naeng.com.
January’s Attendance Committee: Charlene Gordon (I/C), Craig Pearce, Peter Maranger, Karel Hodgert, Doug Page, Patricia Riehl, Tony Carter, Colleen Devine