February 06, 2020: Cyndie Jacobs, “Origins of "Winnie the Pooh"
Head Table:  Our President Brent Shackleton, invites, Steve Monteith, Gary Morris, Amy Mullock, Mike Nelson and Ken Nesbitt, to join him at the head table.
Today at Rotary: Was our Strategic Planning Session presented by President Brent Shackleton and Charlene Gordon.  Charlene explained that the Strategic Plan was first developed from the session held at the Perth Museum some months back, and that the Board has reviewed this twice in the last couple of months.  Today’s presentation is seeking members input, and to do this as she goes through the presentation, to write down comments, questions on a sticky note which will be picked up by Dan Scarborough, Mimi Price and/or David Daglish.  This is not the last kick at this – as all members will receive the survey within the next couple of days, for further input.   After that the document will be reviewed and changes made where necessary, and will be presented to the members at the Club Ownership on March 5, 2020. 
The Draft Strategic Action Plan for 2020 to 2022 goal is to remain a strong and viable club for the next 100 years; There are four Objectives listed: 1.) Build the Membership; 2.) Keep it interesting; 3.) Make it sustainable; 4.) Lead by example, Each of the objective were looked at considering the activity, action, who will lead, target dates and how do we measure our progress.
 1.) Strategic Objective # 1 Build the Membership:   Activities to consider were Retention, Recruiting, Rotaract to Rotary and Increase profile in the community.
2.)  Strategic Objective # 2 Keep it interesting (the Club Experience) Activities to consider were Vary meeting time and formats; more business networking, improved Board development and Strengthen relationships with other clubs and with District.
3.) Strategic Objective # 3 Make it (Financially) Sustainable.  Activities to consider were Build a surplus in the Club Fund, Encourage more bequests, Examine Fundraising capacity
4.) Strategic Objective # 4 Lead by Example (New Initiatives)  Environmental leadership, International leadership, local leadership     
Your input is needed – Is there any action that has been overlooked.  This Strategic Plan will form the next three years. 
Well done Charlene & Brent.
Scribe: Ollie Henry
  1. Board Highlights: 
    • Environment – declaring climate emergency March 30, at City Hall
    • Web Site:  being updated using club runner more
    • COMMIT :  Is a Rotary Project in the process of signing Letter of Understanding
    • 100 Anniversary:  Dean Robertson will be updating our book
    • Strategic Plan:  Presented to the Board by Steve Lichti and Mimi Price
  2. District Govener Dianne Yundt
    • Needing a champion in the Listowel area to form a Rotary Club
    • Feb 3 & 4 Sarnia is the President Elect leadership course now called Leadership Experience anyone on the Board can attend.
  3. Catch the Ace Gerry Thuss  1st draw this weekend Feb 1, 2020
  4. Curling Clark Mitchell – Service Club Curling Bonspiel Feb 22 – Needing one more curler
  5. Dragon Boat – Dan Scarborough – Needing any pictures or articles that you may have from 2014 to 2019 of the Dragon Boat races.
  6. Survivor Night – Festival City Club Kirk Riehl: Survivor night at St. Pauls Optimist Hall 6:00 pm $50.00 per person, only 250 tickets to be sold.  Lot of wine to be won, maybe even drank.
Guests: DG Dianne Yundt Festival City Club; Wayne Yundt; Kirk Riehl Festival City Club; Mava Aweng, Stratford.
Foundation Draw: Two prices today – one donated by Dan Kane and won by Guy Bellehumeur; second one donated by Keewatin calendar and won by Gary Wreford
Make-ups: Clark Mitchell, on January 16 at the Can AM annual bonspiel, and Kevin Silver on January 21 at the FCRC.
Please, if you do a make-up, please send me an email at naroutzidis@naeng.com.
February’s Attendance Committee: Ryan Erb (I/C), Rick Orr, Elizabeth Gaffney, Dan Kane, Debra Swan, Michael Fox, Katelyn Aitcheson, Clare McCallum, Wendy Anderson.