The Rotary Club of Agra Taj Mahal

The Rotary Club of Agra Taj Mahal has purchased the Vishwa Bharti Rotary School and is in the process of improving the facilities at their school. Currently, the population of the school is 500 and the goal of the school is to increase this number to 1000 students. This school strives to maintain a 50/ 50 ratio of boys to girls. They have purchased school buses to safely bring students from the outlying areas to the school. This school is a combination of being publically funded and privately, although if relies heavily on private funding. Rotarian Katherine Hahn and her son Evan visited the school in 2018 while on a Polio vaccination mission. The Rotary Club of Stratford donated $1,250.00 towards the creation of a nutrition center in the school that will provide a clean space for the children to be given nutritious meals.